Saturday, January 28, 2017

Chia Mama Believes Chia Water Comes To The Rescue!!!

Just a quick personal testimonial - it's been too long.  Late Friday evening I was exposed to a flu from my son after taking care of him all night. Then on Saturday morning, after going into work to setup and help cook for a Country Club buffet luncheon, I contracted it. At first we thought it was just the common cold, but,  "Noooo", this was a full blown Flu. As such,  I have been unable to eat much for way too long!

Thankfully I drank chia water, and tried snacking on fruits and veggies, but really its the chia that got me through.

Which reminded me of something I always want to share, but gets side-barred far too often. One of my beliefs as a food educator is to encourage Mindful Eating. I recommend this more than any ingredient. So many times we eat for the wrong reasons! When you start your day with chia water, as long as you choose healthy foods for that chia to distribute to the rest of the body during the day, you will know you are well fed. After some time, you will find that you don't necessarily need the fixes obtained from food culprits such as: sugar, caffeine, or even the rush of filling emotional voids with your favorite comfort food. You may also gain a healthier outlook when you do choose an occasional food indulgence.

Chia seeds made this possible for me, and that is one of the many reasons why I have been trying to share their amazing properties since 2006 when I was first introduced to this amazing "Superfood". Chia has an amazing amount of Omega-3 fatty acids, way more than salmon or flax, in their tiny hydrophilic bodies, as I learned in my studies at Bauman College in Berkeley, CA. Back then, I thought, "these little guys are miracles!" and honestly, I have felt that way ever since. I don't have a thyroid, suffer from hypoglycemia and have a soy intolerance. This is made all the more bearable because if I can't find an appropriate food, I can always drink chia water.

I hope that you too find a way to connect with food and your body, in a mindful way. For me, I am a Chia Mama through and through!


Originally published March 15, 2011

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